Blogs are still an important SEM tool: My new website stats were stagnant. It had been 3 months since I had put the new site together and my Google Search console showed that I only had 4 search queries for the month with around 5 impressions a day and an Average Google position of 72. …
Running an Architectural Practice is not just about Design. Google is King when it comes to business. Ignore Google at your peril! A successful Architectural Practice not only needs to be good at Design but also at SEO and SEM. Larger Practices can hire out these tasks but the small office will not have the budget for this and so needs to manage this in-house.
Serendipity or WordPress Software for an Embeded Blog: I have an existing website built with RvSitebuilder. This was the default software that was contained in my Ventraip Cpanel. The help files aren’t great and it has caused me some grief over the years, but since I am now familiar with it I take the “Devil …